This video tutorial shows how to set The Wall minimum setting to make a deep impact with a few JavaScript lines. The Wall requires a minimum setting to be ready. You just have to decide the way you want to use it, it will see to the rest.
Snippet code Css
/* Minimal Css Required */ #viewport{ width:900px; height:450px; position:relative; overflow:hidden; margin:0 auto; background:#111111 ; } #wall{ z-index:1; }
Snippet code Html
// Define The Wall var maxLength = 100; // Max Number images var counterFluid = 1; var wallFluid = new Wall("wall", { "draggable":true, "inertia":true, "width":150, "height":150, "rangex":[-100,100], "rangey":[-100,100], callOnUpdate: function(items){ items.each(function(e, i){ var a = new Element("img[src=/your/folder/images/"+counterFluid+".jpg]"); a.inject(e.node).fade("hide").fade("in"); counterFluid++; // Reset counter if( counterFluid > maxLength ) counterFluid = 1; }) } }); // Init Fluid Wall wallFluid.initWall();